Sunday, January 20, 2019

File 9

Picture it, its New Years Eve 2020 and you’re reminiscing over the fabulous year that you have just had. You’ve made major gains, have grown in numerous ways, have received the love that you wanted and needed, and you just had an overall BOMB year! Yes, Sis picture it! That’s the energy we’re going to keep throughout this entire year! Why? Because we deserve it and we’re going to remember that part for the next 52 weeks, 12 months, and 365 days. ( I wrote this at the start of January, just now posting)

Picture it Sis!

There is something about claiming and praying for the things that you want and the vision that you see for your life. I have been thinking about New Year’s Resolutions and I’m not with it this year. I just want to work towards the things that I want and not make a big deal out of it just because the year is new. I want these things and attaching resolutions to it, may bog my ideas down. Its currently 4 in the morning and I am just full of energy thinking about how I want this year to be different. How different? So different, that I start doing more, giving more, being better, and living unapologetically.
I had a memorable 2018 because of the lessons that I learned and I want to put those lessons to use in 2019. 

A major way that I plan on doing that is by investing in myself and I encourage you to do the same thing. My motto is to “Treat Yo Self” but we’re going to up the ante this year. Here’s how!

1.       SELF AFFIRMATIONS because you’re amazing! Yes, it feels great to hear others say how out of this world you are but it feels even better when you know it for yourself. You’re the snack, the treasure, the prize, however you want to label it.

2.       EXPLORE YOUR TALENTS. Chose a talent that you have and expand it. Practice it, share it with others. Think about the things that you like to do and choose one or a couple of those things to strengthen this year. I am choosing to work on my writing and that includes my poetry. I will be sharing some of my poems on here in the future.

3.       LEARN SOMETHING NEW. Think about something that you have always wanted to try and do exactly that. It may be learning a new skill, a new recipe, or learning a new way to show yourself self- care.  This year, I will be purchasing a used guitar and learning how to play the instrument. It has been years since I have read music or played anything and I am up for the challenge.

4.       BE SPONTANEOUS! Just do something out of the ordinary. As long as you're safe, YOLO! I plan to get my first tattoo this year.

5.       KEEP AN ACCOUNT OF YOUR YEAR. There are limitless ways for you to save your memories. You could keep a bullet journal, start a blog, start a vlog, etc. Do whatever is easiest for you.

This year is about the gains! I am choosing to do what is best for me because I have put myself on the back burner for a long time. Here's to doing whatever the hell you want in 2019! 


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File 12

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