Monday, February 5, 2018

File 3

God often speaks to us through a variety venues, whether it is the Bible, other people, or just moments of clarity that we may have. Recently, I have had several moments of clarity about how to interact with men. I have seriously been seeing the same message in memes, photos, on TV, and through conversations with friends. So I am like, maybe I need to talk about it on the blog because a light bulb has gone off for me.

This message is simply the realization that there is a difference between interacting with a God fearing MAN and a man. I knew this before but for some reason, I get it on a deeper level now. As a young woman that is dating, I realize that there is a huge difference between the two. When you are dealing with a God fearing man there is a certain level of respect that they will have for you because they know you are a child of God. They don’t have time for games and more than likely, they know exactly what they want. A man of God understands that there are more ways to be intimate than just physically. I am talking about a man that will pray for you, stimulate your mind, travel with you, tell you when your're wrong, among many others things. Talking about it, just gives me chills and now I am sitting here like:

Where ever Bae may be, I hope that he is walking on the path that God has set aside for him. Who knows, he could find me on my path next week. Knock on wood, lol.

Honestly, when my/your man of God comes, he is going to recognize what you hold and see the God in you. He will understand your choice to wait until marriage because its you that he is after. He will not pressure you to make decisions that you are not ready to make and he will still be able to love you in ways that you could have never expected. Chills, again.

If you would like to contribute to The Attendre Files, please submit your thoughts, stories, videos to

Remember HusBAE will be the worth the wait as well.

- Attendre

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