Monday, January 1, 2018

File 1

Attendre, Such a beautiful word. Definition: To wait. A one word command to sit still and wait. I have been waiting for many things in my life. Some things and events have been easy to wait for and others have tested my patience and strength more than I would have wanted. I am waiting and saving myself for marriage. I am waiting to meet my husband. I am saving myself for this man.

In this new millennium many people think that this act of waiting and saving yourself for marriage is cliche, a waste of time, or sexist. I respectfully beg to differ because somewhere and at some specific time in my life, I decided to make this promise to God and myself. It is a promise that I have struggled with lately because of the inability to want to wait for my future husband. To be tempted and feel different emotions and yearnings has been a formidable force against my will to wait.

In this struggle, one thing has been clear. Even though it has been hard, my ultimate goal is to give this gift that I hold to my husband. I have decided to be more proactive in protecting this gift. I want to make sure that I am doing everything that I can to prepare myself for when I find my future mate. I want to continue to work on my spiritual health and get closer to God and to build a support system to help me through this journey of being celibate. Thus, the idea of creating a space where others who are saving themselves or are celibate can share their thoughts and receive encouragement. I asked God to give me guidance and to prepare me for something greater and he placed it on my heart to create The Attendre Files.

The Attendre Files is a place to share laughs, stories, and revelations for many people. I want to share my words and experiences with others and for others to submit theirs as well. I look forward to building a community of support and hope that as you read this, you will decide to contribute in your own unique way.

If you would like to submit anything toward the files, please send them to the following email address:

Always remember:


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File 12

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