Tuesday, December 17, 2019

File 12

In my professional life, I am an educator and one habit that has been ingrained in me during my tenure as a teacher, is the act of reflecting. During your teacher prep program, you reflect a lot. You reflect on what went right, what went wrong, what could have been better, and sometimes you reflect on your initial reflection. So naturally, that habit spilled over into my personal life. This year I made it a mission not to just treat myself with material things but to also dig deep and take care of myself spiritually and mentally. In essence my journey towards better self-care has also been an act of self – love. You have to love yourself beyond measure, flaws and all before you could ever commit yourself to another person. If you feel inadequate alone, no amount of time or love spent with a mate, will fill that void that only you can nourish.

As I reflect on my experiences during 2019, I can say that I am very pleased with the things that I have accomplished and the many lessons that I have learned. 2019 is defiantly a year that I will never forget. After a lot of processing, I have decided to make this a personal lifestyle blog and not focus on a purity journey. If this is where you leave me because you’re no longer interested, please know that I am honored that you chose to walk with me this far.  

As far as dating this year, I had some nice experiences and really wished it would have worked out with one of my suitors. It was my first attempt at a long distance situation but that proved to be too much for both parties.  One experience with this person that I will always cherish, is the first time he called me and prayed for both of us. Oh my God, that really made my day, month, year. That is a step in the right direction, as far as things that I want to be present in my future relationships. Can we pray and praise God together, yes lawd!! He is on the way,lol!

I had a "wake up" experience this year too! I admit my feelings were hurt, at first but then I realized who I am! People come into your life for a reason, they are either a blessing or a lesson! Someone that I used to be very fond of, always said that they wished they found someone who was as genuine as them and that they don't go into things with high expectations. Funny thing is, they did the exact thing to me, that they said they didn't want done to them. I finally realized that person was a lesson and l have never learned a lesson that I did not need. I am going to go into future dating experiences still being genuine and hoping that I am not getting played in the process. Karma is a real situation and I only want good mojo returned to me. 

I am planning to do a deep dive into Pastor Mike Todd's Relationship Goals Series and may share my notes on here. I have listened to the first sermon and it was everything. I am posting the link below, enjoy!

I am so excited for 2020! Here's to reflecting more through the Attendre Files! Just wait on it!


File 12

In my professional life, I am an educator and one habit that has been ingrained in me during my tenure as a teacher, is the act of r...